Home News UG multi-million-dollar Bursary established through philanthropic gift
The University of Guyana has received its first major philanthropic grant — from a private family — by way of a gift of land that would facilitate the erection of a permanent bursary.
The property which was given to the University by Rajdai Elizabeth Outar is located in Berbice, and is expected to be developed or liquidated into funds which would then be invested within two years of the conveyance of the property to the University of Guyana. Thirty per cent of the money received would be used in perpetuity to fund the bursary on an annual basis.
The bursary, which will be titled the ‘Rajdai Elizabeth and Seobarran James Outar Bursary’, was designed to support tuition, living expenses, and books for outstanding students from Port Mourant, Berbice and surrounding areas who are unable to afford their education at the University. The bursary is open to any discipline.
Rajdai Elizabeth Outar and her late husband, Seobarran James Outar, both Berbicians, placed great value on education. The Outars left Guyana in the late 1970s for educational opportunities in the United States, and thus they have always hoped to give back to their homeland for the foundation they received in Guyana.
Following her husband’s passing in June 2014, Mrs Outar decided to gift a parcel of land and other remaining assets in Guyana to the University to establish the bursary.
In a statement, Mrs Outar said, “Education is the cornerstone of life, and higher education provides an opportunity to create leaders, advance knowledge, and to improve society. My family and I hope that our gift will not only benefit worthy students, but that it also will inspire other expatriate Guyanese to support talent development at a critical time in our nation’s history.”
Vice Chancellor of the University of Guyana, Prof. Ivelaw Griffith, expressed his gratitude for the gift and emphasized the need for private support to complement Government funding.
“Mrs Outar’s gift provides an opportunity for the most talented students to have access to a world-class education, regardless of their ability to pay.
We hope that her generosity will serve as an example for others to follow. Gifts like Mrs Outar’s have an impact not only on the recipient, but also their families, their community, and society at large,” he said.
Deputy Vice Chancellor (PACE) Paloma Mohamed also expressed sincere appreciation to Mrs Outar and her family, as well as to former DVC Elizabeth Ramlall, Christine Chowgrir, and University Registrar Dr Nigel Gravesande, who worked for several months to realise the project.
The Rajdai Elizabeth and Seobarran James Outar Bursary is expected to be administered through the University’s Student Support Fund mechanism. Application materials, awards committee composition, and the decision rubric for the award of the Rajdai Elizabeth and Seobarran James Outar Bursary also will be available on the University of Guyana’s website, once the funds become available.