UG’s top graduates presented with Presidential Awards

President Dr Irfaan Ali on Monday presented the President’s Award to the valedictorian to the University of Guyana Class of 2020/2021 to Davendra Kisson.
Tomeshwor Mohabir from the Tain campus also received an award from the President.

Tomeshwor Mohabir receiving the award from President Ali

Kissoon, 27, finished as the valedictorian after successfully completing a Bachelor of Science Degree (Civil with Environmental Engineering), while Mohabir, 30, finished as the best graduating student from Tain after completing his Bachelor of Education Degree (Mathematics Concentration Programme).
The President said he was pleased to confer each of the graduates with the President’s Medal in recognition of their superlative performance in their respective programmes.
He also charged them to reflect on the sacrifices their families would have made along their journey and encouraged them to use their lives as an opportunity to influence others.
With regards to their chosen areas of study, President Ali noted that their aspirations are in keeping with the development trajectory of the country.

Davendra Kissoon being awarded by President Irfaan Ali on Monday

The presentation was conducted in the presence of the recipients’ family members at the Office of the President on Shiv Chanderpaul Drive.
Kissoon was joined by his mother Basmattie Sukhdeo, bother Sanjeev Kissoon and his girlfriend Tesheena Dindyal while Mohabir was accompanied by his wife Nueza and his son Zidan.