UGSS pivotal in promotion of extracurricular activities
As the University of Guyana Student Society (UGSS) works to promote the growth of extracurricular activities on campus, the University of Guyana Basketball Team have been receiving a lot of support from students.
Despite a large turnout of support, UG Trojans plummeted to defeat by Prospect Kobras in the Georgetown Amateur Basketball Association (GABA) Under-23 Tournament on Wednesday, facing a 2-point deficit.
Speaking to media operatives, UGSS President Shaquawn Gill highlighted the phenomenal work that the Society has done, toward the promotion of extracurricular activities.
“The University of Guyana Students always supports us and I think the University of Guyana Student Society as well has been playing an instrumental role in making sure that extracurricular activities are promoted and so once we promote those activities and for these activities to be known and so all the students know what’s happening, so they come out and support us whether we win or lose, we expect them to be back at our next game and support us,” Gill said.
UGSS pivotal in promotion of extracurricular activities
He went on to divulge the impact of students’ support for the team and their liking of the team’s style of play.
Gill divulged, “Well, I don’t think there is anything as too much support, the more support we get the better and I think the University of Guyana students love the basketball we play as we have; this is not our first rodeo and we have had two or three championships in the bag already, so they know the style of defence and the style of game that we play, so I think they enjoy.”
The University of Guyana will take to the court of the National Gymnasium in the Tertiary Basketball League today, Sunday, June 2 in their quest to defend their title against a yet-to-be-defeated Linden Technical Institute. (Omar Mckenzie)