UN urges Govt to introduce “urgent stringent measures” to stem COVID-19
While the National COVID-19 Task Force (NCTF) expressed concerns over the complacency of citizens and their cavalier attitude towards the advisories on the novel coronavirus, the United Nations (UN) has now called on the incumbent Government to urgently introduce more stringent measures to fight the disease.
In a statement on Friday, the UN expressed grave concerns that social gatherings are still continuing even after advisories were issued. The Government was reminded that Guyana is not insulated against the deadly virus, therefore, prevention is critical and complacency should not be tolerated.
United Nations Resident Coordinator Mikiko Tanaka
The statement issued by the UN’s resident coordinator, Mikiko Tanaka, reiterated the complete lockdown recommendation, made by PAHO/WHO representative Dr William Adu-Krow.
“We are very concerned that social gatherings are continuing despite public advisories discouraging this for some time. Reinforcing the advice from PAHO/WHO representative in Guyana Dr William Adu-Krow, the United Nations (UN) System calls on the Government to urgently introduce more stringent measures to stem COVID-19.
This includes work-from-home in public and private institutions except for essential services, limiting people’s movements to essential errands,” the statement read.
But even so, the UN asserted its dedication in providing both relief and advice on measures against the global pandemic, which, according to the statement, will build on the ongoing support from the Pan-American Health Organisation/World Health Organisation (PAHO/WHO), and other UN agencies.
“The UN System stands ready to provide advice and assistance in elaborating and implementing a national response plan that covers the health sector and other socio-economic sectors to help citizens cope with the impact of the COVID-19 response and in particular to protect the most vulnerable.”
After Guyana recorded its first COVID-19 case, the Ministry of Public Health and relevant authorities have initiated enhanced preventive measures which includes the suspension of international commercial flights, temporary closure of schools, border closures and public information and advisories for hygiene and social distancing.
To date, over 465,915 confirmed cases and 21,031 deaths as a result of the coronavirus have been recorded worldwide. Meanwhile, Guyana has recorded five cases including one death.
The local COVID-19 Task Force had warned that it is considering implementing extreme measures to restrict the movement of people if the complacency trend continues.