Dear Editor,
The nation has been jolted several times over the past few weeks by unbelievable Opposition debacles.
First it was the ascendency of Nigel Hughes to the leadership of the AFC. As we know, this is a real conflict of interest. Nigel is flirting with our national security by serving corporate interests at a time when he should be focused on Guyana’s critical interests without any chance of compromise.
The PNCR, as usual, is clueless when it comes to economics. Look at the facts. Guyana found oil in 2015, just as Aubrey Norton’s PNCR-APNU+AFC was handed the reins of state power. Can you believe that Norton never took the time to learn anything about oil? He knows little to nothing about oil economics, as he has intimated. His paucity of knowledge, however, has never stopped him from offering cash grants that, if they were ever to materialise, would crash the economy within a year.
There is nothing unusual here, because the AFC is prone to putting personal interest above national priorities. As for the PNC, well, they have always been clueless about economics. The PNC has the worst record on the economy, not only in Guyana, but in the entire Caribbean. The height of their economic strategy is to sell plantain chips and give away free money.
Attiya Baksh