Home News Unemployed man sentenced to 18 months’ imprisonment
Rowal Ramsawack who told the court that he stole a number of items because he is unemployed was given 18 months imprisonment when he appeared before Magistrate Faith
McGusty at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.
The man pleaded guilty to the charge which stated that on December 1, at Albert Street, Georgetown, he stole twenty 5-gallon water bottles and a tarpaulin amounting to $63,000, property of Nicholas Coates
The unrepresented man told the court that he has been unemployed for a very long time; as such he stole the items to gain some cash.
When questioned by the Magistrate how much he sold the items for, Ramsawack explained that he sold the water bottles for $1000 and the tarpaulin for $3000.
The prosecution stated that on the day in question, Coates secured his truck at his place of business and left it unattended. According to the prosecution, when he returned, he noticed all of the items mentioned in the charge missing. It was further added that Caotes was able to view Close-Circuit Television footage which showed the accused breaking into the truck and removing the items.
Magistrate McGusty handed down her ruling and a remorseful Ramsawack was escorted by the Police to serve his time.