An unidentified man is now dead after he was hit by a lorry on the Agricola Public Road, East Bank Demerara on Monday.
The Police said that the incident occurred just about 07:10h. The identity of the man remains unknown while the lorry was being driven by a 33-year-old man from Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara.
Enquiries disclosed that motor lorry GPP 8215 was proceeding north along the western drive lane of the eastern carriageway of Agricola Public Road – which is a designated third lane for northbound traffic during rush hours – when the accident occurred.

The now dead man reportedly was standing on the median in the vicinity of the Agricola Road Head and was observed by the driver of the lorry. However, without looking both ways, the man attempted to cross the road and walked into the path of the truck.
As a result, the front centre portion of the lorry collided with the pedestrian who fell on to the roadway and the rear right side wheel ran over both of his legs. He was picked up and rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Emergency Unit, in an unconscious state.
He was being treated for head injuries, internal bleeding and broken feet when he died at 07:30 this morning (Tuesday, November 24, 2020).
The driver of the motor lorry was placed in police custody and is assisting with the investigation.