Dear Editor,
During the last week, I was robbed three times. Someone picked me while I was seated in a minibus; I was robbed at my street intersection whereby my cellphone, my hard-earned salary and even my footwear were stolen. However, despite being traumatised, I went to a city bank to withdraw ,000 and was robbed again on the pavement outside Muneshwers Ltd on Water Street. In the space of 24 hours, I was robbed twice. You have absolutely no idea how terrified I am feeling, as a female, right now. During the last three months, Enmore has been experiencing an increase in robberies especially in the Hope West area, almost at all intersections. It is clear that this once-safe neighbourhood is being targeted.
I’m tired of living in fear. I would appreciate if Police patrols in these vulnerable times can help. I believe if our Ministers are wise, they will make the choice of wisdom to protect our citizens. I strongly urge our Ministry of Public Security to accept my recommendation. I have to pass that intersection twice daily and I am sure others in my neighbourhood have valid concerns that need to be addressed immediately as it relates to crime and security.
Name withheld