Dear Editor,
I wish to initially affirm once again that I have always strived to be a fair and honest commentator on policies and issues that have emanated from Guyana’s politics over the decades. The story recently published in the Guyana Chronicle on January 6, 2017, titled “Bishop Edghill opposes curbs on illegal rum shops” which illustrated him dressed in his ecclesiastical vestments, is a clear error on the part of the Guyana Chronicle and its editor; it should have never been published in such a manner. Furthermore, I believe that the article has caused unnecessary uproar and pain in the Christian community; also it has embarrassed the entire Government as it showed poor journalism and possible interference.
I think that every fair and honest Guyanese who views the presentation by Bishop Juan Edghill will realise that the article in the Guyana Chronicle was not professionally, nor impartially written. I know that in politics there is usually a back and forth between politicians and this happens all over the Caribbean, South America and the entire world.
However, I think that it was very unfair to publish such a miscalculated story in the State’s National Newspaper. The office of the Bishop is one to be admired, cherished and respected. It was unfortunate that I, like many Guyanese, had to witness a religious leader in his holy garments highlighted in the media in a most negative way. I believe that the caption and the story showed much contempt and misunderstanding by the Guyana Chronicle Newspaper. As a matter of fact, Bishop Edghill in my opinion remains one of the saner political elements that represent us, the Guyanese people, in the National Assembly.
Just for clarity, I am one who values the work of the media; I think that the media plays a vital role in disseminating news to us and it is essential for their fraternity to give the deliberations that are made in Parliament.
Nevertheless, with regards to this matter, the Guyana Chronicle could have portrayed the speech and remarks by Bishop Juan Edghill in its true and unbiased form. The unwarranted attack on the office Bishop Juan Edghill holds sets a terrible precedence and disrespects the entire Christian community and all religious leaders. After listening to the entire presentation from the Honourable member in the National Assembly on Bill No 32 of 2016, I could have concluded that the Guyana Chronicle erred and its editor should have been more responsible before allowing such an article to be published. I believe that if the Guyana Chronicle wanted to carry such a piece on what had transpired in the National Assembly during the debate on the Bill, there was a better way to inform the public on the statements he made; more so, not publishing such a photo with a controversial headline. I am simply advising that I think the Guyana Chronicle has made an error and should issue a retraction of that article.
Yours sincerely,
Roshan Khan