Urgent concern about deteriorating bridge in Zeeburg/De Willem community

Dear Editor,
I am writing to bring to your attention a pressing issue that is of great concern to the residents of Plantation Zeeburg/De Willem, West Coast Demerara – the deteriorating condition of the bridge connecting our area to the main access road.
The bridge, which serves as a vital link for transportation and connectivity within our community, has been showing signs of significant deterioration over recent months. The structural integrity of the bridge is visibly compromised – the wooden planks are loose, cracked and reduced to splinters at their ends. This has resulted in spikes that once held the planks in place being exposed and some parts of the bridge being weaker.
The deteriorating bridge presents a potential hazard for motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists alike. With each passing day, the risk of an accident or structural failure looms larger, endangering the lives and well-being of our community members. This degradation not only poses a risk to the safety of those who use it daily but also threatens the economic and social activities of our community and beyond. The residents of Zeeburg/De Willem rely heavily on this bridge for commuting to work, accessing essential services, and transporting goods and services. Plantation Zeeburg/De Willem is a developing housing scheme and the allottees depend heavily on the bridge for delivery of sand, stone and other building materials. Hence, the current state of disrepair has created a sense of insecurity and anxiety among residents.
I urge the relevant authorities and Government agencies to prioritize the repair and maintenance of the Zeeburg/De Willem bridge without delay. Immediate action is needed to address the structural deficiencies and ensure the safety and security of all residents who rely on this vital infrastructure.
Additionally, I call upon our elected representatives and local leaders to advocate for the allocation of necessary resources and funding to address this critical issue promptly. It is essential that our community’s concerns are heard and addressed with the urgency and seriousness they deserve. Failure to act swiftly may result in the loss of life or result in serious injury as well as residents being unable to carry out their daily activities.
Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.

B Persaud