US citizen among 2 charged with killing pet dog

…each released on $120,000 bail

Khemraj Ramdass and Farad Jarawan

Khemraj Ramdass, a 71-year-old US citizen who resides at Number 63 Village, Corentyne Berbice; and Farad Jarawan, a 25-year-old carpenter of Number 64 Village, Corentyne Berbice, have each been placed on bail in the sum of $120,000 after appearing on Wednesday before Magistrate Tuanna Hardy at the Number 51 Village Magistrate’s Court to answer a joint charge alleging that they killed a pet dog.
It is alleged that they killed a dog belonging to Gomatie Kooardeo of Number 63 Village, Corentyne on October 11 at Number 63 Village. The charge is animal cruelty committed against Gomatie Kooardeo.
When the case was called before the magistrate, the owner of the animal told the court that the animal had been her pet, and had not been a stray dog. She related that a post-mortem report by a veterinary officer had also been handed over to the police.
The magistrate asked for the case to be adjourned and the prosecution made the necessary amendments, but on resumption of the case, the duo pleaded not guilty. The court was told that Ramdass had cut the animal’s neck andthrown its body into a nearby canal.
The Prosecutor, Corporal Fiona Simson, told the court that Ramdass had admitted to killing the animal, and there is an eyewitness. As such, she objected to the defendants being granted bail, stating that Ramdass is a flight risk.
However, Attorney-at-law Rodwell Jagmohan, representing the duo, argued that they had both been granted station bail and had attended court. He said Ramdass has been in the country since July, and would leave only to upkeep his citizenship or for medical reasons.
Before setting bail, the magistrate said the charges carry a 6-month jail term and a $15,000 fine. Bail was set at $120,000 each, and the duo will have to return to court on October 23, 2024 for the start of their trial.