USAID RESET launches grants for climate-smart, sustainable growth
Chief of Party – Caribbean RESET, Patricia Shako
The Caribbean Resilient Economies and Sectors Activity (RESET) Programme will launch its Grants Programme on the margins of the 13th Caribbean Conference on Comprehensive Disaster Management to be held December 2 – December 6, 2024.
RESET, which is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Grants Programme is designed to support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), civil society organisations (non-Governmental and community-based organisations), associations or cooperatives and private research institutes in 11 Eastern and Southern Caribbean (ESC) countries.
In a release on Tuesday, it was stated that RESET is now accepting concept papers from organisations to support activities in eight core areas: Agri-food; Tourism; Blue Economy; Green Economy; Regenerative Agriculture; Food Systems; Disaster Risk Management; and other Innovative activities which will contribute to resilient sectors and economies.
All concept papers must show how activities for which funding is being requested will contribute to one or more of the following – economic development and growth; capacity building and institutional strengthening; shock responsive social protection; and blue and green investment and growth. The concept notes should emphasise how the activities proposed will lead to building the resilience of vulnerable populations including women, youth and persons with disabilities, who are more disproportionately impacted by climate related events.
The main objectives of the Grants Programme is to support these entities to increase investments in climate smart technologies, approaches and/or business practices that will lead to a stronger blue-green economy characterised by inclusive and resilient growth as well as sustainable jobs.