Home Letters Utilising our abundant natural gas resources
Dear Editor,
In a list of humanity’s most pressing problems, energy rises to the top because of its ability to provide solutions to many of the other societal problems, such as water, environment, and poverty. Unlike energy, there are on this list no other items which can generate answers. Energy is unique, not only from the perspective that it has the ability to give us answers to most other problems; energy is one of the few problems which we can positively impact with technological developments.
Energy resources are vital to sustaining Guyana’s and the world’s economic growth, progress, peace and national security. Energy is not just a critical national concern; it is a global concern. The rate of growth in energy demand worldwide runs the risk of outpacing affordable, clean supplies, unless we can gather together not only conservation and evolutionary improvements to existing technologies, but also revolutionary new technological breakthroughs in the energy sector.
Utilising our abundant natural gas resources to meet our growing energy needs makes sense economically, as well as from an environmental standpoint. Gas reserves far exceed explored oil reserves, and gas represents a cleaner form of energy. The efficient processing of natural gas will take on an increasingly important place in 21st century industry, not only for our energy needs, but for value added products that include transportation fuels, plastics, clothing, etc.
The advantage of biogas (methane, marsh gas, biogas, landfill gas, digester gas, etc.) is that it is a renewable energy source. Simply stated, organic wastes of different origins (sewer, waste, animal and landfill) can all be used to produce methane. It is in this direction that opportunities exist to develop new energy economics based on closed energy loops which utilise solar energy to transform biomass to biogas, and then downstream processing into other value-added forms of energy and matter.
Our Government’s vision is to leave this world a better place than we found it. To achieve this worthwhile objective would entail utilising our highly advanced and proprietary technology that efficiently produces environmentally responsible fuels from bio or natural gas at less than half the cost of inferior, crude oil-refined products.
The People’s Progressives Party Civic Government will play a vital role in aiding our nation and others around the globe to meet their energy needs, which will be required to sustain economic growth, national security and world peace.
David Adams