Vagrant denied bail for beer theft charge

Remanded: Dennis Prince

Dennis Prince, a 29-year-old vagrant known around the Stabroek, Georgetown area for doing on-demand work, appeared before Magistrate Fabayo Azore at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court on Friday, accused of stealing five cases of Banks Beer, valued at $31,000, from Harleen Blair on Dec. 8, 2024, in the Central Block area of Donkey City, Georgetown.
During the proceedings, the prosecution objected to bail, arguing that Prince has no fixed address, making it difficult to locate him if released.
Prince, however, attempted to assure the court of his availability: “I’s always be on the market 24 hours. It wouldn’t be hard to find me, mommy,” he said, referring to Magistrate Azore.
Despite his assurance, the Magistrate denied bail, citing her concerns about his lack of a permanent residence.
Prince is set to return to court on February 14 for the continuation of the case.