Van Lange, Sahadeo attending Caribbean Hopes Table Tennis Camp
Jonathan Van Lange and Krystian Sahadeo departed these shores on Sunday to Participate in Caribbean Hopes Table Tennis Training and Selection Camp from 14th -19th of August 2017 at the National Arena Kingston Jamaica.
The two players were selected by the Guyana Table Tennis Association (GTTA) amongst a group of other talented players to lead Guyana’s charge at the 2017 Caribbean Mini and Pre cadet table tennis Championships will participate in the Caribbean Hopes training camp.
The competition takes on an added dimension with the hosting of a training camp being conducted under the auspices of the Latin American Table Tennis Union for the 11 years and under participants from August 14th to 19th 2017 which will see the best two (2 ) 11 years and under Boys and Girls being selected from the Caribbean to participate in the Latin American World Hopes Training Camp that will be held from September 18 to 23,2017 in Asunción, Paraguay for a position on the world Hopes team for possible qualification as a World Hopes prospect .
Competition will be amongst countries such as Puerto Rico, Barbados, Aruba, Jamaica, St Lucia Trinidad and Tobago, Dominican Republic and French Guiana among others. The other members of Guyana’s delegation will travel to Jamaica to Join Van Lange and Sahadeo for the championships slated for 21st to 28th August 2017.