Dear Editor,
I look at our daily newspapers and stare at the picture of a young man who was shot and killed as he tried to execute a robbery, and I silently exclaim, “This is just a child!”, and I wonder where are his parents.
I am glad that I have absolutely no idea who his parents are, but these questions swirl through my mind. Is his mother a single parent struggling to make ends meet? Did he finish school? Would he have had access to online learning?
Why should a young man, brimming with potential, meet such an untimely death? We need to have homes where our children are taught to pray; taught the fear of God and respect for man at a young age; and if they miss this at home, they should get it in our schools, where they are taught more than the three Rs (‘Reading, Riting and Rithmetic’).
They should especially be taught to pray in school, be taught respect for each other and for authority, and a sense of national pride should be instilled in them, one embedded in the prayer found in the last line of our National Anthem: “God guard you, great Mother, and make us to be more worthy our heritage, Land of the free.”
Did I hear someone say, “Is good fuh he”? I say, “Shame on we!”
Let us build again our broken-down family altars as we are reminded in the last verse of the last book in the Old Testament “…he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.”
Claudia Heywood