Water delivery truck driver robbed

A driver/salesman delivering water in Cummings Lodge, Greater Georgetown, was attacked and robbed by three persons.
Reports are the robbery occurred at about 06:30h on Thursday. The 35-year-old driver/salesman, who is attached to Demerara Crystal Water, was relieved of $1300 and one Samsung Galaxy cell phone valued $45,000.
Police reports revealed that Joel Kisram was delivering water in the community in motor vehicle GKK 1216, when one of the suspects rode past him and threw his bicycle into the path of the water truck, causing him to stop.
Having halted the vehicle, Kisram was then approached and attacked by three suspects, one of whom dealt him two punctures to his left hand and relieved him of the cash and his cell phone.
The suspects then made good their escape.
The incident was reported and acting on information received, the police arrested a 15-year-old, who is assisting with the investigation.