Welcome …to a new world?

Your Eyewitness is “throwin’ back” to observe the (brave???) new world being created by “the Donald” over in the US of A!! If it ain’t “brave” it’s certainly “bold” – to’ve shaken up every country on the world!! And believe your Eyewitness when he says “every country in the world” – from Tahiti to Timbuktu!! Just hit that search button on your Google browser and you’ll be overwhelmed by the tsunami of fulminations washing over you from every quarter!
Just consider a SINGLE program that Trump announced he’s defunding going forward – USAID, which had a budget of $43.4 billion in 2023 and is active in 130 countries!! For comparison think about our ENTIRE national budget – SWOLLEN with oil dollars – that’s only US$5.5 billion!! Now you gotta give the Yanks credit for always being creative with their acronyms – USAID stands for “U.S. Agency for International Development”. Isn’t that sweet?? Agency for International Development!! Apart from accepting “your tired and weary” into their country – as the Statue of Liberty proclaims – they were going to assist other countries (“aid”) to overcome their challenges!!
What’s interesting is we – our little, ole Mudland – were there when USAID was launched by the charismatic JFK in November 1961!! He’d just made up his mind to get rid of Jagan who’d visited the month before – and convinced him he was a commie!! Trouble was it was THE YANKS who decided Communism was BAD for us and HOW it was gonna be fixed!! Bottom line was it had to be wiped out – and if some toes has to be stepped on – so be it. In our case, USAID hadn’t gotten it’s act together by 1963-64, so the CIA had to spend about US$1.5 million to stir up the “troubles” – as our historian Granger calls them – that ousted Jagan. It took 176 lives and split the country forever – but hey! the US gotta crack some shells if folks were gonna get omlettes – whether we wanted it or not!! USAID became the conduit for funding other changes the world needed. But now it’s gone!! Well, suspended for now– since there are still Americans twilling to fight the good (?) fight to improve the world.
But what’s behind this change – and the other changes that’s demands cutting TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS – and we’re talking about AMERICAN dollars, not our monopoly paper – from US spending? Has America undergone a change of heart and will now take Spike Lee’s advise to “do the right thing”?? No Siree Bob!!
Trump feels the folks who ran USAID lost the plot. They actually believed the BS that was their cover for the REAL changes to further America’s interest!!!
They became WOKE !! And now gotta go!!

…to politics of division
Your Eyewitness read about the shouting match that erupted when a new political contender – they’re appearing as fast as Jumbie Umbrellas on stale cow dung!! – went up to Lima Sands to woo the 800 or so residents who live in their remote community!! One resident brandished a bottle of a brownish liquid looking suspiciously like pee – claiming it was the water they’re forced to drink!!
Now because even the folks at Lima Sands have internet access to Google, they should appreciate we know they had a new $117Million-artesian well installed in 2017 – saving them from drinking creek water for the first time since “time immemorial”!! We learnt too that the Essequibo aquifer’s laden with iron compounds that give their water a “pee” colour – and the chemical Sea Quest should be added to precipitate the said compounds!! Did they check??
Doesn’t matter they got an asphalted main road, street lamps, land titles last year – and a new hospital’s being constructed, does it? Food-for-the-Poor should build more houses?

…IMF report
Your Eyewitness noticed that the Opposition leaders – all one hundred or so of them and increasing!! – are quite silent about the positive report the government received from the visiting IMF team.
Wonder why cat got their tongue!!