WFCC expects “great things” from Sport Minister Charles Ramson Jr
By Timothy Jaikarran
The Windsor Forest Cricket Club (WFCC) has seen success over the many years, but due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, all its activities have been brought to a standstill.
The Windsor Forest Cricket Club team
Club Secretary/Vice Captain Avinash Ganesh is, however, leading from the front in ensuring his club mates keep fit while observing all COVID-19 protocols.
Speaking recently with this publication, Ganesh said his club is doing its best to remain active, and is anxious to see what newly appointed Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Charles Ramson Jr, would do when “all is clear”.
Q: How is the club coping at the moment?
A: Our club is trying to cope with the whole situation at the moment. We try our best to follow regulations during the pandemic. We have played 2 matches, but since the rise in the number of COVID cases, we have decided once again not to play.
Windsor Forest Club Secretary/Vice Captain Avinash Ganesh
Currently, a few of us play tape-ball on the tarmac by our ground just to try to remain active. However, we still try to follow COVID-19 regulations.
Well, for sure we are looking forward to playing a lot of cricket, both friendly and competition games. We also hope the West Demerara Cricket Association resumes cricket after the pandemic.
Q: How challenging is it not to play any cricket for so many months?
A: It has been a challenge. When talking to some of our players, their desire to play cricket is there. They always ask, almost every week, when we will be playing, or can we organise a game and play? Cricket is a part of our lives, and right now that part seems to be missing, but there isn’t much we can do at the moment. Every day we check the news, or whenever there is an update in the COVID regulations, to see if organised sports can resume.
Nevertheless, we have not given up hope, and we hope to be back on the fields as soon as possible.
Q: What do you feel can be done for cricket to be resumed?
A: Currently, I don’t see a solution for cricket to be resumed at the second division level, since it would be hard to implement some sort of crowd control at some of the grounds. And this is mainly because they do not have a fence, or because persons aren’t taking this virus seriously.
But I think that if we want to resume cricket, this is the first step: Just have the two teams alone and the officials present for the match. I still think it is difficult, though, because players can still spread the virus unknowingly to each other, and even to the opponents.
I do hope the higher authorities can figure some way to have cricket playing as soon as possible. We encourage all our fans to try their best to remain safe during these times; not only safe for themselves, but also their families and friends.
Take all precautions necessary to stay safe. Cricket will return in time, and you can once again come to the ground and support us. Also, we are grateful for your support.
Q: With a new Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, what expectation do you have of him in terms of taking cricket to another level?
A: We have all faith in Mr. Ramson. He is a sportsman, and we are sure he will be thinking along the lines as a sportsman. (We anticipate he would) ensure all the cricket grounds and parks are in top condition to allow cricket to play at a high level, whether it be second division, first division, or even regional cricket.
Also, if a lot of recreational facilities are up-to-standard and are maintained, it would encourage youths to visit them and come off the streets. We would like to also ask for assistance for our ground, too. It is not in the best of state, but we try with it. (It has) plenty holes and is in (a) rough (condition). We would be grateful for any assistance (to rehabilitate the ground).