The Women and Gender Equality Commission on Friday launched its online Women’s Hall of Fame, providing a virtual introduction to some influential women who shaped Guyana’s history and others who made valuable contributions.
Commission Chairperson Indranie Chandarpal related that the initiative has been in the making for some time.
In the early days of the feminist movement , efforts were made to document the work of outstanding women using typewriters. This later evolved to using computers to save important information.
Now, the website will speak to a wider audience and most importantly, the younger generation that is technologically savvy.
“Since we are in the age of technology, we believe that it is a most timely opportunity for us to add our virtual hall of fame…We’re looking at people from pre-Independence, politicians, rights defenders, grassroot women leaders, differently abled, culture and art, sport and academic,” she stated.
Some individuals who were recognised include Guyana’s First Female Head of State, Janet Jagan; Viola Burnham; Gertie Wood; Kowsilla; Claudette Maasdammer; Mary Noel Menezes; Margery Kirkpatrick; Jane Phillips-Gay; Paulette Allicock; Odessa Blair; Philomena Sahoye-Shury and Sheila Holder. Persons can also make recommendations for other women, who will be added in the future.
Just a few days ago, stalwart women’s activists Magda Pollard and Andaiye passed away and for this reason, special emphasis was placed on their influential roles.
The Commission was established back in 2010. Chandarpal functions as the Chairperson, with Cheryl Sampson from the National Congress of Women as the Deputy Chairperson. The other Commissioners are drawn from the labour unions, regional women’s affairs committees, cultural and ethnic groups, and the Private Sector.