Dear Editor,
My observation of the manner in which submission of Candidates’ Lists and contingent documents relative to the upcoming Local Government Elections were prepared and submitted to Returning Officers at three registration centres forces me to conclude that our aspiring “Village Leaders” and their handlers were terribly out of their depth.
Persons were still scampering around to submit documents in the afternoon of 22nd September — more than 24 hours after the end of submission time. I know, because I was approached to administer oaths to blank documents, which I refused to do. I guess some other JP/COAs did the honours.
This underscores the seriousness, or lack thereof, that “Wanna-be” councillors and officials of all political parties attach to Local Government Elections. If political parties and their operatives cannot shepherd a simple process of filling a few forms correctly, what can we expect at National Elections?
However, on the positive side, the process at Enmore’s GECOM location was effectively administered by the Returning Officer and his support staff. It was very obvious to me that he did his research, engaged his team, and they were committed to ensuring that things went smoothly. It would be a breath of fresh air were we to have the same experience at all public offices.
Well done Enmore GECOM staff.
Taaj Jadunauth