Dear Editor,
Regardless of what the courts in Guyana rule, any Government formed using the flawed results will be deemed illegitimate and all individuals who seek to benefit from the electoral fraud will face serious consequences, including personal sanctions from the civilised world. This much is crystal clear, it behoves the question then of why the PPP/C is participating in the cases being heard by Justice Holder? The answer is complex but deserves exploration.
The PPP/C is led by persons who have a deep appreciation for the rule of law; it is a strength and also a flaw; one that was exploited by David Granger after his Administration fell to the motion of No-Confidence in December 2018 and now after his (Granger’s) Administration has been voted out of office.
The PPP/C also sets great store in democracy and peaceful transitions of Government; they understand fully that every possible option must be taken to avoid the spilling of blood and loss of lives. The characteristics of inherent decency and responsibility are exploited by Granger’s party, members of which find ways to let it be known that there will be no acceptance of loss by its supporters and “Georgetown will burn and ethnic violence will erupt”, some see this as “bullyism”, I characterise it as blissful ignorance.
The will of the people is known and the PPP/C can only keep the peace for a limited period. Anger is seething throughout the land and it is not confined to any ethnicity or party; as time goes by and Granger leads Guyana into the world of pariah states with an empty treasury, a high overdraft and no sensible plan to deal with the coronavirus, there will be an inevitable eruption and there is nothing the PPP/C can do to prevent this happening. The fate of the APNU/AFC leaders is within their control at this point; embrace the democratic transition of power or face the wrath of the people scorned. David Granger is a historian, he must know where this all ends.
People are dying from COVID-19 as I pen this, many more will die and Granger’s response is to place the response in the hands of the singularly incompetent hands of a man labelled a ‘rubbastamp’ based on his track record, Moses Nagamootto is not the person to lead us out of this pandemic safely. The transition to a legitimate Government must be effected immediately to prevent significant loss of life.
For now, the PPP/C is playing the Granger musical chairs of Cs, the Courts, Constitution, Commission (GECOM) and Confusion; what happens when the music stops is anyone’s guess.
Robin Singh