Your Eyewitness doesn’t like saying, “I told you so”!! Mostly because he knows that nobody likes a “know- it-all”!! But on the question of Mad Maduro rigging the elections, it was really never a question, was it?? It didn’t take a brainbox to predict THOSE elections would’ve been rigged!! And Lord have mercy…was it ever!! On paper there were all sorts of safeguards in place to prevent the rigging everyone knew would happen. But that’s where it remained – on paper!!
For instance, there were supposed to be “audits” of a specific number of voting machines to detect whether announced results were cooked up electronically. This WASN’T done when it was announced just after midnight, that Maduro was the winner!! Simultaneously, the Opposition, under their spokeswoman Maria Machado, also declared they’d won!! A bit later, with 80% of the vote supposedly counted the Elections Council said Mad Maduro had gotten 51% – to the Opposition’s 44%. And it’s for this reason that the majority of Latin American leaders, in Peru, Chile, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Argentina, Uruguay, etc…have been sceptical of the results announced. Additionally, the Elections Council had been appointed by the Maduro-controlled Assembly!! It’s only the usual suspects who’ve accepted the “crooked as barbed wire” result – Cuba, Nicaragua, and of course, Russia!!
Your Eyewitness is waiting for Brazil’s Lula to make his pronouncement – since he’d sent a couple of officials to check out what went down. While the teams couldn’t have observed all 30,000+ voting centres – and even then wouldn’t have known what was in the machines – they’re experienced with Maduro’s modus operandi to smell a rat. Ditto or the Carter Center – which also hasn’t “pronounced” at the time of writing. The opinion that everyone is waiting for, of course, is the US’s. After the Council’s initial announcement, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said he had “serious concerns that the result announced does not reflect the will or the votes of the Venezuelan people.”
“Serious concerns”?? Heck, since last year, his State Department has been pointing out that Mad Maduro had stacked the Electoral Council with his loyalists!! If the US wants to maintain any semblance of confidence with those countries – like Guyana – who support it because it defends democracy, it gotta insist that the real numbers be released. Just as it did back in 2020 when Mingo tried to dazzle everyone observing OUR elections with his BS – using bedsheets and spreadsheets!!
As far as your Eyewitness is concerned, our government gotta condemn this latest Maduro outrage – and let him know in no uncertain terms that we aren’t fooled by his Sanctimonious pronouncements!!
We’ve had our own who had the term “Gangster” appended to the adjective!!
…in Opposition??
There’s another storm in a teacup that’s being whipped up to hurricane proportions by the Opposition over an exchange between our Attorney General and a High Court Judge. Seems that an American oil company won a judgement against the Venezuelan-owned oil company PDVSA. And in seeking to collect, has been trying to garnish whatever monies or assets the PDVSA had abroad. Seems straightforward, innit?? But as usual, the Devil’s in the details!!
And in this case, the detail is that unlike some other jurisdictions – like Jamaica – where the Courts allowed the garnishing, our country Guyana has been facing the unrelenting hostility of Venezuela amounting to a declaration of WAR!! They’ve already “legally” ANNEXED our Essequibo!! And most critically, they don’t respect the jurisdiction of the ICJ!!
In this situation, all the AG argued was that OUR Court should respect – from a legal standpoint – our government’s PUBLIC INTEREST, in taking possession of the local PDVSA funds!!
Did British Courts allow Hitler access to German funds in Britain??
…in Cricket?
Now that England has COMPREHENSIVELY beaten us – three out of three Test matches – your Eyewitness notes that everyone is saying we’re “whitewashed”. With everyone nowadays being woke and all, shouldn’t that be “blackwashed”??