For decades, I have made use of the opportunities provided by media houses to plead with pet owners to avoid transferring their gay abandon and excessiveness of the holidays to their four-legged wards. The season is upon us, and promises to be particularly enjoyable, with the great ease from the COVID -19 pandemic. Let’s make it a great holiday season for our pets too.
So, what should we not do to our pets during the holiday season?
(1)Incorrect feeding
Humans seem to have this fixation with overstuffing themselves during the festive seasons, and we then carry our gourmand self-indulgence over to the pets. Actually, many see Christmas as a bacchanalian rite, with heathen pleasure splurges that have nothing to do with the birth of Christ.
I am not going to get into that theological debate, but I am convinced that many of us believe the festive season must extend to animals also. So, we feel that our pets must gorge themselves full of all the Christmas goodies (or residues therefrom). Well, that is wrong. Dogs and cats could not care less if there is boxing on Boxing Day and no garlic pork/beef on Christmas Day. They would be just as happy if they received their usual bland fare. [I say “bland” because the food that we give our companion animals should be free of spices, since some spices can trigger an allergic reaction].
I shall share with you something of interest that I was taught at a refresher course/further education series in which I participated some time ago.
The lecturers from the largest pet food manufacturers in the world, and who worked at the foremost companion animal nutrition research institute on the planet, advised us that over 50 percent of all ailments among pets stems from incorrect nutrition. I am certain that figure is well over 80 percent during Christmas.
The problem is that the vet has to raise himself/herself from a favourite chair or recliner to look after a pet which has “just” developed a “life threatening” malady, which in truth is just a reaction to a piece of chocolate or some such incorrect bit of feeding.
The moral of the story is that there is absolutely no need to overfeed or extra-feed “Rover”/”Felix” during the holiday season. Feed your companion animals the normal everyday diet, as usual!
Of course, since no veterinarian (well, with few exceptions) can tell the flustered client to go to hell on a Christmas Day, he/she has to deal with the product of the owner’s careless feeding habits relative to his/her pets.
Let me use this week’s “Pet Corner” column to tell all my old, new, and potential friends that (i) I need rest, and will be using the “Season” to catch up on some needed sleep. (ii) I am getting crotchetier as the Christmases go by (this will be my 53rd Christmas “helping out” as a veterinarian), so I am quite prepared to bite/scratch anybody who brings a dog/cat to me late on Boxing Day or New Year’s Eve, unless it is a genuine emergency. Maybe I should have titled this article “What not to do to Vets during Christmas!”
(2)Scaring pets with explosives
I know it would not be Christmas if we do not involve ourselves with squibs, sparklers, firecrackers, and an assortment of explosive devices. We sometimes even involve our pets in these undertakings, sometimes just to observe how they react to torture!
When I was young – in Jurassic times – we used a piece of carbon (with the appropriate amount of spittle) and an Ovaltine tin to produce a loud noise at every Christmas season. There were no squibs in those days; or, if there were, we either had no money to buy them or, simply, we found more fun creating the bang with some spat-upon carbon and applying a flame at the hole at the back of the tin.
Well, dogs and cats have sensitive ears. The noises from the explosions disorient and traumatise them. They do not know what to do; they cannot cope with the unexpected and loud sounds. They run indoors and into doors, and hide in secluded places which they think can afford them security (bathrooms, under beds, in cupboards, etc). They jump from verandahs and hurt themselves. They run away from home (you can see them wandering around our roads, lost and with anxious/frantic looks) and are struck down by uncaring motorists.
Last year, a German Shepherd from Kitty was picked up by a good Samaritan in South Ruimveldt.
The idea of tying firecrackers to dogs’ tails is an offence under the law. One can be charged, and even be incarcerated. Terrorising dogs and cats is not a joke. If a friend wants to commit such acts of barbarism, distance yourself from that person. He/she must not be a friend; such a person is certifiable, and needs psychiatric help.
Simply put, exposing pets to squibs, firecrackers, or any type of explosive device is one of the greatest cruelties one can administer to an animal.
(3)Christmas baths
Dogs should not be given baths often. Cats (who groom themselves constantly) hardly ever need baths. It seems that pet owners, having cleaned up their houses totally for Christmas, feel compelled to remain in cleaning mode.
God help ‘Rover’, the cleaning frenzy is on! ‘Rover’ and ‘Felix’ get dunked into the big basin or under the standpipe. Of course, the drying might pose a problem, especially during the December rains. The animal may then be placed in a draught, and a ‘cold’ results. If you feel that something must be done to your animal’s coat during Christmas, then brush it. End of story.
Enough for today. When shopping, there is really no need to buy any toy for your pet; but if you must, please purchase playthings that are recommended for your breed and size of pet, and (i) are not easily destroyed, (ii) if ingested, will cause no harm, and (iii) are not powered electrically when in use (plugged into an electrical outlet).
Enjoy your Christmas preparations.