What …the Yanks want

One would’ve had to be living under a rock near the Kaieteur Falls – the noise ensuring you couldn’t hear anything, even if you crept out periodically for air!! – not to know that even after they left Atkinson Airfield (later Timehri Airport/CJIA) after WWII ended, their involvement continued. There were the 1960s “interventions” to ensure we stayed on their side of the “Iron Curtain” against the USSR. Burnham knew which side his bread would be buttered, and chose accordingly. And so, for twenty-eight long years, the PPP were banished in the political wilderness because their leader believed in principles over real politik!!
As the lone superpower left standing by 1989, the US didn’t see the PPP as a bogeyman any longer, and could now concede that “democracy” meant having “free and fair” elections. But nothing lasts forever, does it? Seeking greater profits from cheaper labour led the US corporations to develop China into the “factory of the world” – and not so surprisingly into a challenger to US world dominance!! Money talks!! Lots of folks wonder why the US would nurture its own challenger in the Chinese Dragon?? Was it racial arrogance that the “Chinks” would remain as loyal drones feeding the American Queen Bee??
Whatever the reason, in the last couple of decades, the world split again into two camps!! Who says history doesn’t repeat itself?? Well, some may say, as predicted, this time it’s as farce!! The Yanks remain their new opponent’s largest customer – pouring THEIR dollars into the Chinese war chest!! And in that same timespan – why would anyone be surprised that again we gotta choose sides?? That’s how the world (of global power) turns!!
But we really didn’t have to guess what are the Yanks’ concerns. Back in 2019, as the PNC was desperately trying to wangle out of holding elections, after losing the No Confidence Motion – “No Charran!! No!!” – a professor from the US War College and a US expert in the politics of this neck of the woods came down and interviewed all the political players. He found the PPP leaders – who’re still there – very eloquent and charming, but he noted:
“In its campaign of reassurance, for me, the PPP is missing the point. The U.S. concern (misplaced or not) is not the Cheddi Jagan era fear of “communism.” It is about the risk to Guyana and the hemisphere of unbridled corruption, magnified by the arrival of unprecedented oil wealth and the opportunity to work with Chinese companies and financiers who do not ask difficult questions if the deals advance their interests.”
The key point to note is that last one about “Chinese companies and financiers” – and the unswerving US conviction that they allow slackness in their deals!!

…CAL must do
Pres Ali met the management of Caribbean Airlines (CAL) to raise “issues of concern”. Now, appreciating the importance of air linkages with the rest of the world for our new oil fuel economy, within two weeks of coming into government in Aug 2020, Pres Ali had already met with the same management team. He’d explained, “I wanted us to engage and to have a clear understanding as to where CAL is heading. Stressing the need for Guyanese to be involved in CAL’s operations, he said, “We believe that CAL is a long and strong partner with us, and we need to find a way in which that partnership is demonstrated in a stronger way.”
Well, according to reports, this time, the “issues of concern” were treatment of  in-transit passengers in TT, increased number of routes, frequency of flights, and “alliances in new areas of business”. As far as your Eyewitness is concerned, if CAL could just straighten out the in-transit hassle of Guyanese passengers, that would be enough!!

…is the reason?
Your Eyewitness understands that the DHB has to be closed to insert the new span. But what he doesn’t understand is why the three-day closure is during Mon-to-Thurs workdays. Wouldn’t the weekend make more sense??