Home Letters What value does David Hinds place on democratic norms and values?
Dear Editor,
It is putting it mildly, when I say how horrified I was to hear the recent disgusting outburst by David Hinds, which was directed at a significant section of the Afro-Guyanese population, whom he described as “lick batty Africans”, and as ” lick bamsi Africans”, and as ” lick BT Africans”, and as ” lick bottom Africans”.
This Hinds has explained was his use of folk language or Creolese, influenced by spirits to do so, and for which he did not intend to apologise.
This outburst directed at decent, right thinking, forward looking Afro-Guyanese was the result of Hinds’ perceived fear of the large number of Afro-Guyanese who were gravitating to the PPP and publicly offering their support to His Excellency, President Irfan Ali at the forthcoming general and regional elections.
David Hinds has openly held himself out as a self appointed spokesman for Afro-Guyanese, for which he should be commended, but that does not entitle him to be so nasty and vile towards them because he sees them as constituting the base of opposition support, and their support for the PPP as eroding the numerical strength of that base.
Hinds has expressed no interest in cross-over votes but feels that the base of African-Guyanese must be held together and he considers that every vote in that base counts. In remarks directed at Afro Guyanese Hinds told them ” Get up ah you backside and go and vote.”
But now, witnessing the migration of large numbers of the base to the PPP to whom they are offering their unconditional support and where they have been welcomed, in the words of his black brother, G H K Lall, Hinds must be experiencing the uncontrollable excretion of bodily fluids.
No doubt, that political shift in electoral support for the PPP by large numbers of Afro-Guyanese is the result of their recognition of better to come from the PPP and of that Party’s promise of a better life and better future, which they do not see from the APNU or the AFC given that sterile period of 2015 to 2020 when they faced heavy taxation coupled with failed and deceitful promises of a good life.
The Worst Possible Alternatives are ignored and discounted in the local political context manifested by its own admitted weak political strength.
There are three dimensions to David Hinds’ gross and obnoxious torrent of abuse heaped on Guyanese of African descent.
The first relates to his inconsistent public postures. Hinds has appealed to Afro Guyanese not to “cuss” Nigel Hughes and Aubrey Norton. “Disagree with them” he urged “but do not cuss them.”
But because of Afro-Guyanese support for the PPP, we see from Hinds the ” lick BT” “lick bamsi” tirade against them. David Hinds disagrees with them and he cuss them, heaping scorn and ridicule on ‘ black people” in a most unbecoming, vile and disgusting manner.
Secondly, it must be noted that a person’s choice of political party support is that person’s democratic entitlement. David Hinds’ vitriolic abuse of Afro-Guyanese who have declared and shown their support for the PPP constitutes an attack on democracy and the democratic choice of Afro-Guyanese who have thrown their support behind the PPP.
What follows is that to be spared scorn and abuse being heaped upon them, Afro Guyanese must support David Hinds and his ilk.
Thirdly, by his vicious, nasty attack on Afro-Guyanese, albeit expressed in Creolese, (the insult, hurt and offence being nevertheless clearly conveyed) Hinds has launched a transparent and obvious attack on national unity and he may be seen as an advocate and enabler of a deeper and more racially polarising environment in our country.
David Hinds has also implicitly attacked the ” One Guyana” national unity programme of President Irfan Ali. When considered, it is a sickening thought that, hopeless as his presidential aspirations appear to be, Hinds rests his political expectations on the ethnic strangulation of the Afro-Guyanese section of the Guyanese population, large numbers of whom are evidently determined to break free of the domination of failed and inept opposition political leadership.
One may justifiably ask ” What value does David Hinds place on democratic norms and values?”
David Hinds it seems has dug his own grave. As the Guyanese man or woman is wont to say in Creolese, “You cuss me nasty and stinking and now you want me vote fuh you? Gwan da side Twilly. Like nut butter gat you bassidy. Go buy black puddin ah Betta Hope or Man Dre Pose.”
Selwyn Persaud