Whatever happened …to SARA?

No…no…no – your Eyewitness ain’t referring to Sara-Ann – the doughty US Ambassador who saved our democracy when the Sanctimonious Gangster decided to do a Jesse James on our elections!! He’s talking about that outfit created by that geriatric economist who insisted that it was the PPP Government who’d “criminalized” the Guyanese state during their 23 years at the helm – through all sorta slick manoeuvres to “siphon off “billions and billions” from the treasury”. He didn’t call the state Burnham left the PPP “criminalized” – no siree Bob!! Never mind a COI had proven that Burnham had assassinated his buddy Walter Rodney and some other members of the WPA! So that wasn’t criminal?? Or rigging elections for decades and murdering ordinary folks who tried to hold onto their ballots??
So, when the big-time Marxist economist – and his party – became a part of the APNU/AFC coalition that won the 2015 elections, he asked for the job to recover all the moola he swore was siphoned off by the departed PPP. And got it when they launched a “State Assets Recovery Unit” (SARU – operating out of the Sanctimonious Gangster’s Ministry of the Presidency. He promised he’d recover so much loot he’d practically finance the entire Budget!! He would be a modern-day Rapunzel, spinning gold out of straw!!
The problem was – there was no legislation on the books for any such unit to go around snooping around and seizing people’s property. The PPP’s complaint about “illegal witch-hunting” however, fell on deaf ears. The doubting Thomas and his SARU didn’t let the lack of legalities hinder the PNC’s drive to hunt down PPP officials. Creatively interpreting the “forensic audits” of Government departments – the cack crime sleuths of SARU just basically threw mud by the ton – and the kitchen sink – at PPP officials.
After months of “investigations”, however, rather than fess up they really had nothing on their targets (and if they did, they could’ve passed it on to the Police for prosecution), they finally confessed they needed legislation to legalise their status!! They had been basically operating as vigilantes on an old geezer’s hunch! They were going to be changed from a “Unit” in the Presidency to an “Agency” of Parliament, and voila!! – SARU would become SARA!! But what was gonna be different? Money, that’s what. Not RECOVERING money, unfortunately – but SPENDING it!!
They blew a budget of over a quarter of a billion dollars!! – with a high-paid staff of over 40!! Jeez!! This was proportionately more than what J. Edgar Hoover got when he started the FBI!! Yet, after spending $1BILLION with nothing to show for it – and the PPP shuttered them – there were outraged squeals of “ethnic cleansing”!!

…to Volda?
Volda Lawrence is probably ruefully echoing Marlon Brando’s famous line from “On the Waterfront”; “I coulda been a contender”!! Here she was – Chairwoman of the PNCR, Minister of Health etc. during the PNC coalition regime, yet in the ongoing sweepstakes to oust Aubrey Norton from his leader’s pedestal, she doesn’t even rate a mention!!
But it was long in coming. First Granger – who wanted his protege Harmon as the power broker in the PNC – didn’t even select her for Parliament. He’d put Harmon as Opposition Leader, which everyone – including Volda – had assumed would’ve been her. But she put all the slights aside and rose to the PNC’s defence when the rig was being executed at Ashmin’s. Cussed out the PPP agents like a fisherwoman!!
She probably figured she was acting in the proudest tradition of her PNC Founder Leader Burnham: helping to rig an election!! But she forgot Burnham never got his hands dirty. He left that to the help!
Now Volda’s yesterday’s news!!

… to the woke brigade??
There’s that gang of twenty-five who weigh in on every woke opportunity they can to cuss out the PPP. But when Pres Ali defended Reparations – their pet project – only one swallowed and offered a compliment!! Cracks in the woke edifice?