What’s going on…


Your Eyewitness is kinda pleased as to how matters are turning out, from where it was just a few months ago for the PNC. As he’s been stressing for two years, he has no skin in the (PNC) game, per se – just that Guyana’s long-term success is totally dependent on us having a successful two-party system. In divided societies, if ANY one party feels it has got the majority of votes locked up, expect that party to start behaving big and bad, even to its own supporters. That’s how it is with power, baby!! It’s an aphrodisiac for all sortsa things!!
So, here it is that Aubrey Norton had been seen as a lame duck after he refused to be pushed around like a rag doll by those who controlled the party. They assumed he was just a street thug who’d reprise his role in the 1998 street protests of Desmond Hoyte. But, knowing that you can’t cash the same check twice, he demonstrated his political nous by fighting off all those high-falutin’ challengers who’d assumed they’d bowl him over with their fancy book credentials, bespoke clothing, and measured tones!! Now they gotta think again!! He showed them he didn’t have to channel Burnham in look and tone, just in his realpolitik approach to acquiring power by any means necessary. Even INSIDE the party!! By that yardstick, politics ain’t another form of war; it IS WAR!!
However, Aubrey can’t rest on his laurels, since the PPP GS has announced that elections are scheduled for November 2025!! So, there’s a lotta work to be done if Xmas 2025 will be a happy one for the PNC!! And there’s always the possibility of snap elections!!
The fundamental problem, however, is some of his advisors – not necessarily from inside the PNC – don’t wanna accept that that party needs voters outside of its 29% African-Guyanese ethnic base to get to that 50%+1 it takes to win democratic elections.
Rather than point out that Granger was a fool who nuked the one way they could do that – then apologise and begin anew by coalescing with a party, or bring in some big-name Indian-Guyanese who could garner enough Indian votes – they’ve forced Aubrey into a hold me-loose me posture. To hold his base, he has to scowl; to attract outside votes, he tries to smile!! And looks clueless.
In the meantime, the PPP think their base is secure as they give the PNC’s constituency the full-court press – better than LeBron in his prime!! Incumbency – with oil revenues flowing into the kitty – allows them to suck cane and blow whistle at the same time!!

…Guyana in 2025
So, what makes the PPP so confident?? Well…let’s count the ways!! By then, even if the bridge across the Demerara River ain’t complete, it’ll be so advanced that those 60,000 voters from Reg 3 would be so pleased they’ll place those Xs next to that Cup!! And let’s not forget the oil-and- gas power plants and manufacturing plants in Wales. Jobs, baby, jobs!!
Over in Berbice, there’s gonna be that Stadium, hotel, and 21st century landscape to catapult the Ancient County into the future!! Rose Hall Estate will certainly be grinding by then!!
Meanwhile hopping over to the Cinderella County, billions and billions are being spent to develop the agricultural base that’s been their mainstay. And so, truth be told, the PPP just needs a small piece of the PNC’s base to switch. They already have the Amerindian vote sewed up with all the funding for developing the hinterland communities that they look like the Cheshire Cat!! Any vote from the PNC base is just soorwah!!

…with fringe parties
The cover’s been blown on the small parties; they’re really lifeless paper organizations. But that’s not gonna stop some, like the AFC and the WPA, from campaigning in ‘25.
Do they forget that the last resurrection was two thousand years ago?!!