When the fox can’t get the grapes, he says they are sour

Dear Editor,
Elections are a process, not an event. Every election comprises numerous elements and involves multiple institutions and actors throughout the pre-election, Election Day and post-election periods, all of which affect the transparency, inclusiveness, accountability and competitiveness of the election. In the pre-election period APNU/AFC, PPP/C etc had an opportunity to develop or refine the legal and procedural framework in which the elections are conducted. GECOM conducted a range of activities in preparation for Election Day and determining the electoral outcome.
GECOM also accredited international and domestic observers, candidate and party agents, and media to witness the electoral procedures. GECOM typically undertakes a voter registration process to make sure all eligible Guyanese are on the final voters’ list. Voters were tasked to actively take steps to register, and had the opportunities to correct and update information on the voters’ list.
GECOM and civil society organisations conduct voters’ education so that Guyanese understand the election procedures and can make informed choices in the voting booth. GECOM also conducts the administrative and logistical preparations for polling, including procuring and delivering materials, as well as recruiting and training polling staff. On Elections Day, eligible voters cast their ballots at various Polling Stations, Election officials facilitate voting and, when voting ends, conduct the ballot counting process.
Accredited observers from political parties and candidates, nonpartisan civil society groups and international organisations, and media often monitor the voting and counting processes. With this rigorous system in place, the Elections Day was deemed free fair and credible by the Chairperson of GECOM.
With nine out of the ten regions’ results verified, the verification of the Region Four results was deemed fraudulent. GECOM allowed the RO Mingo to commit electoral fraud by favouring the APNU/AFC party, in that the votes that were tabulated were not reflected on the SoPs, as such, Mingo increased the votes for the APNU/AFC and decreased the PPP/C votes, (this was confirmed at the ongoing recount exercise at the ACCC).
The APNU/AFC coalition claimed victory based on the fraudulent Mingo results that were inflated to give the APNU/AFC victory, however, when the recount process started and Mingo’s wickedness was exposed, the APNU/AFC coalition changed their rhetoric to discredit the elections process with unverified accusations.
GECOM as the governing body for the elections process has already given all the political parties an opportunity to ensured that the process would be fair, unfortunately, the GECOM Secretariat is more closely aligned with the APNU/AFC coalition, which gave the coalition a huge advantage in hijacking the elections but was eventually exposed and failed in their efforts.
Based on the fraudulent declaration by GECOM CEO and RO Mingo, the recount that is presently ongoing is confirming that GECOM and the APNU/AFC coalition are closely aligned to manipulate the elections results.
This was confirmed when Granger gave a speech while in Atlanta a few years ago, he specifically emphasised that “you have to ask yourself how the PNC gained office in 1964, ask how the PNC remained in office and what it did to do so. Ask yourself how the PNC regained office in 2015 and ask yourself how would the PNC retain office in 2020”. This sums up the intentions of both APNU/AFC coalition and GECOM Secretariat, leaving a dark cloud hanging over the democracy of Guyana. The post-election period, however, provides an opportunity for stakeholders to evaluate the process and undertake necessary reforms. GECOM and civic groups can evaluate the election process and define ways to reform and strengthen elements within each phase.
This critical time can be used to ensure that the recount exercise is concluded as transparent as can be and in a timely manner. Guyanese, don’t be distracted by the manufacturing of excuses by the APNU/AFC coalition. Have you ever heard the statement, “when the fox can’t get the grapes, he says it is sour?” that’s exactly what is being portrayed by the APNU/AFC coalition.

With regards,
Zamal Hussain