Dear Editor,
The temper tantrums and name-calling that recently occurred during the most recent attempt to convene the meeting of the Foreign Relations Committee is a testament to the lack of maturity during a time of crisis. Where are the experienced grown-ups who can be trusted to bring peace through diplomacy at home and abroad?
The use of inexperienced individuals in key roles has resulted in a lack of progress by the Foreign Relations Committee during this critical juncture in our region’s quest to remain a zone of peace. The Government and the Opposition cannot afford to discard efforts to resolve their differences in order to produce a peaceful resolution to the current crisis in the region.
Warships from Russia are currently in Cuba, and will be on their way to Venezuela.
An attack by Ukraine deep within Russia will easily spark armed conflict in our region. This appears unimportant to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
Name-calling and a show of self-importance lost us the moment. This childish display of immaturity does not help our country have a positive impact in reducing tensions between our historical friends and allies. We must set an example within our country before we can be taken seriously on the world stage. Knowing and doing are two very different things.
It is time to place on the sidelines those who do not have the demonstrated capabilities needed in diplomacy. We must place those who can work well with others in these key roles.
Time is of the essence! If we cannot pivot from the lack of progress in this very critical area, Guyana will find itself unprepared for war, or worse, the nation will be divided during it. We are making it easier for our enemies to win via a strategy of divide and conquer.
In addition, the committee’s role is unclear to its members. This can only result in further fuelling of the discord between its members.
According to the Minister, the President is the person who decides how to proceed, and the Minister and his Ministry are there only to execute the President’s instructions. If the Committee is only to relay information to the Opposition, as implied by the Minister, then it is of little use during this critical period.
CRG again calls for the establishment of a National Security Council that would guide on critical national security matters. Discussion and added perspective are needed to inform the decision-making process. Maybe at this higher level, a mature discussion can be had, and national unity achieved before the beginning of a war in our region.
Jamil Changlee