Where are the voices that were spewing fire and brimstone?

Dear Editor,
Now that the agreement regarding salaries and non-salaries for teachers has been signed, bringing to an end several acrimonious months of negotiations, there are those who are not in tandem with what has been arrived at, and are not in sync with the takeaways.
They are screaming all kinds of anger-filled-and-laced rants and bombast, even turning their angst on some notable children in society.
Prior to the agreement being signed, it was explained that the GTU General Council had accepted the Government’s offers and this agreement is binding. So, why are there feeling of betrayal and trickery?
It is worth reminding that when sugar estates were closed and communities were affected, leading to dire circumstances and situations, including for children and teachers, these voices now spewing fire and brimstone could not be found.
The deal is done, and those who feel they have been outsmarted, outfoxed, out manoeuvred, well, they will get their chance again.

Shamshun Mohamed