Where are we heading as a nation?

Dear Editor,
We recently celebrated 52 years of independence after a great struggle from British colonialism to independence fought for by our founding fathers Cheddi Jagan and Forbes Burnham.
I saw the flag raising ceremony on television, but I noticed the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) was absent; the same happened when the PPP was in office and the A Partnership for National Unity/People’s National Congress was also absent at the flag raising ceremony. This country’s Motto reads: ‘One People, One Nation, One Destiny’ but that is the opposite of what I am seeing from our political leaders.
I have many concerns about this nation, but I will address a few here and others in subsequent letters. My first concern was this Carnival introduced into our recent independence celebration last Saturday. I saw a real display of vulgarity and immorality in our streets in Georgetown by people of all races scantily clad gyrating and wining down to the most lewd and disgusting music.
These people see independence as a free for all immoral game. Independence is free, but it cost Jagan and Burnham something who fought and suffered for it. If Burnham and Jagan were alive today this carnival would have never been here. I am calling on President Granger and Prime Minister Nagamootoo to stamp out this wicked carnival culture at Mashramani and independence – it is doing this nation more harm than good.
Where are we heading as a nation?

Rev Gideon Cecil