Where can we go if ignorance is deemed as good as knowledge?

Dear Editor,
Of late, we find ourselves complaining in the ‘fake-news’ reality, facts seem no more important than opinions. In 1980 Asimov wrote “Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge”. When I read the claptrap opinions of GHK Lall, I marvel at Asimov’s prescience.
Whenever I read one of the remigrant’s vapid opinions I wonder at how someone so full of fluff could have survived in the high-performance world of Wall Street financial analysts. I can only assume that GHK re-migrated and got a job teaching Economics at Marion High School because he was not very successful at analysing anything that required examination of facts and arriving at logical conclusions.
I may be incorrect, but the fact that no trapping of success accompanied GHK home, leads me to conclude he was facing penury. On GHK’s return, he used a moped to move himself and members of his family around in modest style, as many as three at one-time; that is a fact, not an opinion. The opinion is that based on these facts, he (Lall) should be careful about offering opinions on others who have enjoyed measurable success in their chosen professions.
Lall’s mode of transport changed when APNU/AFC got into Government. To paraphrase Dr Jagan, GHK was suddenly another “jackass living a Cadillac lifestyle” at taxpayers expense. This newfound ‘success’ seems to have gone to the head and GHK has appointed himself the sole arbiter of all things PPP; He knows who should be President, who should be PM, GHK ascribes ‘insider’ knowledge to himself and imagines scenarios and offers his opinions as fact.
The fact is Lall knows little of the workings of the PPP; he should offer opinions on his fellow geriatrics in Granger’s cabal. Do they like Prakash for PM? Why is he not on the campaign posters? Will Granger choose Lady Macbeth as his Prime Minister instead? The early pointers are there for keen political analysts, but I would prefer to comment after these issues move from the realm of speculation to the world of reality.
Editor, the fact is we can offer countless opinions on the choices made by political parties we do not support; we should never, however, offer opinions as facts. Where can we go if ignorance is deemed as good as knowledge? GHK said if things do not go his way “then out comes the other passport”. Given that he is well beyond the age of retirement, I would venture that Lall’s long-overdue return to his home and the attendant welfare benefits paves the way for a younger person to move into the job held by a member of Granger’s geriatric cabal.
GHK can/should go and take a few more dual-citizens with him; Guyana would be a better place for their departure. This is an opinion based on the facts.

Robin Singh