Home Letters Where is the transparency, accountability we were promised?
Dear Editor,
As a citizen and rate paying resident of Georgetown, I would like to be shown under which by-laws or statutes the Town Clerk of Georgetown, Royston King, has the fiscal or legal authority to be expending the revenues earned from property owners, to pay the expenses of a former Mayor.
Recently, in an unlawful and dissolute motion moved by Mayor Patricia Chase-Green and seconded by Councillor Heston Bostwick, it was proposed to have the services of the City Constabulary Department extended to former Mayor Hamilton Green, with the provision of security guards at his residence.
This is unprecedented as no former Mayor ever, nor does currently enjoy such a facility.
But that is just the beginning, as the Council also provides a motor vehicle, provides unlimited fuel for it, a chauffeur, a gardener, 24-hour body guards, among other benefits.
How could a municipality that says it is constantly broke and cannot pay its debtors, spend so lavishly on a former Mayor. Where is the transparency and accountability we were promised and deserve? Is there need for a City Assets Recovery Unit (CARU) or a Special Municipal Crimes Unit (SMCU) to be set up to go after the citizens’ money?
Yours faithfully,
Debra Gibson