It’s been two-and-a-half years now, and your Eyewitness can understand (not “accept” – just “understand”) the PNC’s refusal to show their SOPs. It’s like you’re playing cards and you’ve been cheating the whole time – then finally declare you’ve won the game – even as your opponent screams, “Thief! Thief!” You’re not gonna be showing your hand to expose your swindle, would you? Thought not! You’ll take that to your grave!!
But with the GECOM Secretariat’s rigging trio of Lowenfield, Myers and Mingo before the courts, how’s the prosecution gonna prove they “cocked” the Reg 4 SOPs? Jeez! The longsuffering Guyanese electorate need justice. It’s no use asking the PPP for their copies, since the Rigging Trio – backed strenuously and thunderously by the PNC – would object to them as “tainted”, since the PPP got skin in the game.
You ask, dear readers, about the SOP copies that were nailed on the doors of the polling stations – after the voting and counting – like Luther’s Theses on that church at Wittenberg? Too late…they’re all gone by now, and blowin’ in the wind. So, what’s left? Well, the law demands that a copy of all the SOPs be sent to GECOM – the official arbiter of our elections. So why not ask them? Aren’t they explicitly and constitutionally mandated to do the right thing for the sake of the state and nation? Aren’t they funded to the tune of billions annually to take care of this business? Well, the Police and DPP finally did, and they’ve been embargoed – but eventually available.
In the meantime, the Opposition invented a whole new gig!! They’re claiming that the recount uncovered enough rigging of votes from absentee citizens on the voters’ list – plus the dead voting etc, that “proves” it’s the PPP that did the dirty! Now everybody and their demented uncle know this is just the PNC tryin’ a thing!! The fact of the matter is, the recount took place WEEKS after the recount. So how the heck Mingo know on March 3rd the election was “rigged” so he had to “fix” the PPP’s supposed fiddlings?? With his drama to be rushed to the GPHC! Remember Sanford and son?? “Elizabeth!! Elizabeth!! It’s the big one!! I’m gonna be joining you, Elizabeth!!”
The ball’s in the judiciary’s court. They’re an equal part of the Government, like the Executive and Legislature. They’ve shown that they understand their responsibility to maintain a stable state. The Opposition are screaming “We Wuz robbed!” to rile up their base. So, the joint might be exploding soon.
Well, they gotta step up to the crease and deal with those election petitions brought by the PNC and their minions!! And bring out the SOPs!!
With all the back and forth of the Opposition, your Eyewitness wants to know “Where’s Granger”?? He knows the Sanctimonious Gangster – as he was aptly described by one ex-Caribbean PM – has gone from hero to zero in some people’s eyes. But hey!! The man was only trying to walk in the boots of his idol Burnham, and discovered they were actually lead-filled!! Burnham’s rigging coulda been pulled off because the Big Kahuna from up North saw Jagan and the PPP as anathema!!
This time around, Jagan was loooong gone!!! And it was Granger’s appointment of military types that posed a threat to the Big Kahuna’s effort to clean up its image. Can’t have no Banana Republic’s General holding them ransom over its oil!! So, is this why Granger’s lying low up at Pearl?? There are all kinds of questions being asked of his successor. Even if he doesn’t want to throw his hat into the ring – he’s getting on in years, ain’t he?? – he could be mentoring all those young’uns he sent to Parliament!
…the historical memory
The guardians of Burnham’s legacy have their bucktas in a knot because Barbados PM Mia Mottley didn’t mention his role in fighting apartheid in South Africa.
It’s for the same reasons he wasn’t awarded SA’s “Oliver Tambo Award”!!