Dear Editor,
As someone who is an avid hobbyist in gardening, landscaping and horticulture, I always cringe when I see what the Mayor and Councillors of the City of Georgetown are doing to the grassed areas in our capital city.
I have observed over the last two years that they have been weeding the parapets and other green spaces all the way down to the dirt. In fact, rather than mowing and manicuring these spaces, they have instead been weeding so deep that when they are finished there is no grass left, but rather just the bare brown dirt as they uproot all of the grass that was there. When grass is repeatedly cut too short or scalped, it will seriously deplete the grass’s energy reserves, weakening and killing the grass, and leaving the area vulnerable to weed invasion.
So upset I was about this asinine act, that I visited the City Engineer’s Department to enquire whether there was no one there cultured or sophisticated enough to appreciate why Georgetown was given the name the ‘Garden City’ only to be told that it is not their workers carrying out such barbaric acts, but rather a special contractor who had no experience in lawn care, landscaping nor horticulture, but whose only experience was as a loan shark and food seller around the markets.
What in fact happens when this contractor uproots the perfect Bahia and Bermuda lawn grass that was planted many decades ago with an eye for beauty and an appreciation for the maintenance of grassed areas, is that they are compromising the integrity of these areas which become vulnerable to erosion as the roots and grass are no longer there to hold the soil together.
And worse, these special lawn grasses are now being replaced by wild Nutsedge or Nutgrass. How pathetic.
When the ‘cultural barbarians’ at City Hall, whose only motivation is making money are finished with Georgetown, it can never again be the ‘Garden City’.
The irony of this all is that these persons are insincerely and continuously mouthing off and sloganeering about making Georgetown a ‘Green City’, whilst they diligently work at totally destroying our eco systems.
Who is going to stop this march of folly?
With thanks,
Riley Matthews