Who knew sugar could cause such a bitter taste in the mouth?

Dear Editor,
No letter penned by Tony Vieira would be complete without reference to Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo). It is no secret that he (Tony Vieira) covets the job of CEO of the sugar corporation. The job of rebuilding the industry debilitated by the APNU/AFC went to Sasenarine Singh, who now leaves that job to take up posting as Guyana’s Ambassador to the EU.
Upon learning of the vacancy, I imagine Tony Vieira must have sat by the phone, waiting for a call that never came. Therefore, it is not surprising that Mr. Vieira regrets placing his name on the PPP ticket for the 2020 elections. Who knew sugar could cause such a bitter taste in the mouth?
The tale of sour grapes, as expressed by Vieira in his letter of April 6 in the press, contains a good lesson for those who still labour under the misconception that the PPP/C is based on quid quo pro arrangements, and a party card is worth its weight in gold. There is no job for the boys’ programme. Maybe Tony should stick with his former cronies at the PNC/APNU/AFC; it worked well for some, didn’t it?
To be pellucid, the desire to take a last ride on the plantation horse is not a qualification for the top job at GuySuCo, and one should get involved in politics for the betterment of one’s country, not self. The ‘ask not’ by America’s JFK applies universally.
For the record, I was also on that 2020 ticket, and could not be happier with the administration of President Irfaan Ali and the PPP/C; it is a happy marriage of vision and execution.

Robin Singh