Dear Editor,
No one should be surprised, not even the motion mover and seconder, by the recent and alarming declaration made by a senior politician and Georgetown City Councillor; who said that an Alliance For Change (AFC)-sponsored no-confidence motion against the Town Clerk of Georgetown is likely to be defeated because A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Councillors were not properly consulted.
I have not, in a long time, heard such utter nonsense muttered by someone who ought to know better. Did the AFC and APNU not enter the Georgetown Municipality as a coalition party? Why the differentiation now?
Is this political elder and rabble rouser saying that his party members who are Councillors are unable to vote with their consciences, but rather are shackled to toeing the purported party line at the expense of the city and its citizens? Come on, this is 2018, not the 1960s.
But the question to be asked is whether his declaration was made purely out of self- interest?
In the interest of readers’ awareness and understanding of what obtains at City Hall, and how immoral they are there, it should be noted that both gentlemen, the subject of the no-confidence motion and the Councillor who is advocating that the motion be defeated due to his and his colleagues not being properly consulted, are both members of the notorious ‘Fantastic Four’ or ‘Fabulous Four’ gang, which has now become the ‘Terrible Trio’ or the ‘Terrific Triumvirate’ gang with the recent demise of one of their cohorts.
Let’s face it: whistleblowers are hardly lining up to rat out the mob. Not members of the clan, not ex-Mafiosi with a bone to pick, not victims of extortion rackets. Why? Because of the ancient tradition of omertà, the unwritten code of honour that you’ll never utter a word about the family, or expect retaliation. Fear has, for decades, kept organised crime as a flourishing industry.
And everyone knows that the Georgetown City Council has, over the last two and a half to three years, become a gangsters’ paradise.
This brings us to the question that has been asked for years now by members of the legal fraternity, and that is: if you encourage someone to kill, are you guilty of murder?
In the interest of the Town Clerk not being given a “Get out of Jail Free” card by some politicians for reasons best known to them, in spite of all of the well-known offences that he has committed, and which are prudently enunciated in the motion, I ask that all Councillors do as John Quincy Adams once said, and that is: “Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.
Best regards,
Sambu Jacobus