Will the PNC claim the COI was bribed?

Dear Editor,
Instead of alluding to the conspiracy of partnering in an attempt to rig an election, collaborators chose to deny, dismiss, and disapprove of all the glaring facts and evidence which confronted the international, regional and national observers: that the plotters were guilty of scheming a devious plan to derail the legitimate outcome of the March 2020 General and Regional Elections in Guyana.
Caught with their pants down, those GECOM officers were exposed to embarrassment. Choosing to remain silent, they communicated an acknowledgment through their unspoken words. This time around the round table, “Silence is not golden.”
The long-awaited report from the Commission of Enquiry into the March 2020 General and Regional Elections is finally out. The world is not surprised, shocked, or stupefied at its findings, but is rather appalled, annoyed and aghast, confirming what former Chief Elections Officer Keith Lowenfield, his deputy Roxanne Myers and Returning Officer for Region Four, Clairmont Mingo, were denying.
This prolonged agony again proved to Guyanese and the world at large that the PNC Party will not change, but will endeavour to pull the wool over people’s eyes in order to strive and win an election through illegitimate means. How applicable is the Guyanese proverb “Moon a run till day ketch am.”
At the June 2022 Enmore Martyrs Memorial Service, President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali was quoted as saying, “Those who subverted democracy, those who cannot present their SoPs (Statements of Poll), and those who struggled against the will of the people, the CoI will set the truth free from the untruth….” President Ali showed wisdom by waiting until most of the tensions diminished from the 2nd of March 2020 before appointing a COI to investigate the skullduggery which was orchestrated by those individuals who were determined to go to any length and at any cost to ensure that the PNC Party regained power. But they forgot that “Truth shall prevail, and it is the truth that will set you free.”
The Commission of Inquiry was chaired by Justice of Appeal (retired) of Turks and Caicos, Stanley John, and included former Chancellor of the Judiciary of Guyana, Carl Singh, and High Court Judge (Belize) and former Justice of Appeal (ag) in the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, Godfrey P. Smith. These lordly gentlemen had their job cut out for them, but it was simplified by the presentation of substantial evidence in a convincing manner by reputable witnesses under no duress. They spoke freely and willingly, articulated with eloquence, and described with clarity and accuracy the demeaning monstrosity exercised by the abusers of power by those who were entrusted to work in the interest of the country. But it is “the little axe that cuts a big tree.”
The COI found that the agents of the “shockingly” brazen acts by the GECOM trio to obstruct the elections process” were principally responsible for “clear and deliberate attempts to frustrate, obstruct and subvert the ascertainment of votes in [Region Four] notwithstanding that GECOM had specifically decided…the approved method for the ascertaining and tabulation.”
Imagine the audacity of using a dirty bedsheet to disguise figures, and plucking numbers from the air while voiding legitimate votes! The report declared, “The CEO, by his overall conduct, opened himself to the criticism that the spreadsheet was introduced for ulterior motives and not for efficiency. Indeed, the use of the spreadsheet created turmoil, caused major disruptions, and slowed the tabulation process.” How wicked can we get in trying to feign sickness and bomb scare? Sunday school teaches us, “The evil that men/women do shall live after them.”
GECOM was always infiltrated with operators who did not abide by the required rules and regulations to remain loyal to their duty. According to the findings, the COI said the identified officials “abandoned all need for neutrality and impartiality and demonstrated a bias for a competing political party and, in the course of events over those days, showed an open connection with that party and, by their efforts, sought a desired result for that party.”
Let’s face it: Who else could the COI have been referring to but the one and only icon known for rigging elections in order to retain and/or regain political power? DNA will not hide, but rather expose characteristics of any element. Guyanese say, “Mouth open, story jump out.”
The betrayal of trust must never occur again in Guyana, and democracy must be allowed to prevail. For too long, Guyanese have suffered at the hands of dictators, and Guyana’s growth was stumped with corruption. Violence has played a pivotal part in destroying the lives of innocent people, and a stigma has left an unbearable and ugly scar. At the handing over ceremony of the COI report, President Ali reminded Guyanese, “Free and fair elections, as the lifeblood of democracy, must be zealously guarded and protected. As such, any circumstance or event which could have led, or led and affected the declaration of the results of the election, had implications for democracy and the welfare of the citizens. It was thus imperative that there be [an] inquiry into the events that followed the holding of the elections on March 2, 2020.”
It was most fitting for the President to conclude by saying, “To those who sidestep, sidetrack, in an open way, do not comply with what is expected of them in public office, you not only do yourself harm, and this is looking into the future also. This is something we must all learn from, but you do your country, and our region harm.” Will the PNC Party start singing that the COI was bribed?

Yours respectfully,
Jai Lall