Wilson hoping to begin preparation of tournament by September
Pink Diamond Promotions, which was founded by Warren Wilson, was scheduled to host its inaugural “Daddy & Me” sports competition.
Founder of the tournament, Warren Wilson
However, with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases on the rise, he has seen fit to cancel the tournament. When Wilson last spoke to Guyana Times Sport, he indicated that the tournament would now be held in 2021.
In the interview with this publication, Wilson said, “We basically had to come to the decision, because, remember even if by mid-May we are cleared of this COVID-19, there is still going to be a two to three weeks’ period where they will want to ensure that no new cases are popping up. So, by the time all of that is finished, we will be well into June. Point to note is that the Daddy and Me tournament has a lot of logistical aspects, and the time will be too short for us to put together something so that we can have a great day. There were a lot of dads gearing up for this competition; a lot of families wanted to prove points to one another. But we will keep in contact with them and host a few promotional items to keep them in check as to what is going on with the tournament. As far as Pink Diamond is concerned, we are hoping that by September everything is ok, so we can get some planning in order for 2021.”
Wilson explained that the competition would take the form of skill challenges, races, obstacle courses, and much more in the following categories: 7-11, 12-16, and 17-Open.
He explained that it was very necessary for teams entering the competition to acquaint themselves with the governing rules, and fathers were required to pass a physical test to ensure they were eligible to be in the competition, although it was open to all fathers.
All eligible participants must attend cardio and aerobics sessions which would be provided by the organising committee, and any antecedent health condition must be disclosed.
The organising committee reserves the right to debar participation of anyone deemed unfit.
Persons seeking further information are invited to contact Warren Wilson on 627-2719, Kade Pearce on 620-0462, or Sophia on 685-6077.