Woman lands in court for assaulting ‘wayward’ child

A woman who is accusing a 12-year-old of being “very much out of line” found herself before the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts on Friday.
Tamara Jagdeo is being charged with assaulting the child at Sophia, Greater Georgetown on October 25, 2017.
The defendant pleaded guilty with explanation to the charge when Magistrate Leron Daly read it to her.
According to the defendant, the Virtual Complainant (VC) is her stepsister. She revealed to the court that the parents of the 12- year-old have no control over her and allow her to do “whatever she pleases”.
She added that on the day of the incident, she attempted to speak to the VC, who proceeded to take a piece of wood and deal her several blows to her back with it, so she retaliated by slapping her across her face.
The matter was reported to the Police by the child’s father and the defendant was charged.
Magistrate Daly ordered that a welfare officer be placed to look into the issue.
The defendant was fined ,000.