Woman stabs reputed husband to death

“…she tell me that he slap she and she stab he” – cousin

25-year-old labourer Jason Bownath of Middle Street, Princetown, Corriverton, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) is now dead after allegedly being stabbed to his chest by his reputed wife in an incident that occurred at the couple’s home at around 23:50hrs on Sunday, January 1, 2023.

Dead: Jason Bownath

Police have said that, earlier in the day, these two persons had been at a family function at the suspect’s mother’s home when an argument erupted between them, during which the victim slapped the suspect twice to her face.
The woman subsequently left for home, and her reputed husband followed shortly after. The couple continued to argue at their home, and the victim again reportedly slapped the suspect. According to the Police, the woman then picked up a knife and stabbed Bownath once to his chest.
Bownath was rushed to the Skeldon Public Hospital, from whence he was transferred to the New Amsterdam Public Hospital, where he died while receiving treatment.
This couple is said to have also been cousins, and have parented two children, aged five and six.
Adrian Garnett, brother-in-law of the late Jason Bownath, has said he was inside the house playing music when he heard the couple arguing. He said he heard the suspect screaming, and by the time he ran outside, he saw Jason lying on the ground bleeding.
“She tell me that he slap she and she stab he,” Garnett related. “He lie down there and bleed out, because he didn’t have much leff back when he reach at the hospital. I don’t know what transpired, or what transpired to push it to that,” he said.
Garnett described Bownath as a committed father and husband, noting that he would leave home for lengthy periods as he went working ‘far away’ from home.
“He is not a violent person. The two of them would get issues, but small things; it don’t meet to this extent. When I say ‘small things’, I mean like argument, and sometimes somebody hand get fast and they knock…but we don’t go into dem story, because they is husband and wife,” Garnett explained.
The suspect has been taken into custody as investigations continue. (G4)