Woman who doused man with pepper sauce granted bail

Twenty-five-year-old Colleen Sage appeared on Thursday before Georgetown Magistrate Faith McGusty charged with unlawfully using a corrosive substance on Cecil Moore with intent to maim, disfigure, disable, or cause him grievous bodily harm.
She pleaded not guilty to the offence, which allegedly occurred on May 19, 2019 at Lot 300 North East La Penitence, Georgetown.
Sage was represented by Attorney-at-Law Adrian Thompson, who told the court that the virtual complainant had been abusing his client, and had indecently exposed himself to her; and she retaliated by throwing the pepper sauce into his face.
Police Prosecutor Annalisa Brummel objected to the defendant being placed on bail on grounds that the possibility exists that the defendant is at flight risk, and because both parties are known to each other.
Facts of the matter stated that on the day in question there was a misunderstanding between the defendant and the VC, and an argument ensued that quickly turned into a scuffle.
Sage reportedly armed herself with the fluid, and threw same in the VC’s face.
Moore told the court that the defendant recently opened a shop on the road, and they initially had an agreement in which she would pay him $10,000 each month, but he did not collect that sum of money.
On the day in question, he approached the defendant for the rest of money, but she gave him only $2,000 and told him she did not have any more. He said he decided to go home, but the woman followed him and doused him with the pepper sauce to his face.
Sage was placed on $150,000 bail, and her next court appearance was set for June 19.