Woman’s body found in trench at Eccles dumpsite road

The partially decomposed body of an unidentified woman was discovered on Saturday, floating in a trench near the Eccles Dumpsite Road on the East Bank of Demerara (EBD).
According to police reports, at about 15:00h on Saturday, a call was received from the Police 911 Hotline and the caller reported that a body was floating in the trench at Eccles dumpsite road.
In response, police ranks visited the location where they found the partly decomposed body of a female, believed to be of mixed ancestry and between the ages of 30 and 40, floating face-down in the trench.
The body was fished out and examined by the Crime Scene Investigator (CSI) rank, and what appeared to be blood and water were flowing from her nostrils. The woman’s face was also swollen.
Based on police reports, the body was cladded in long black tights and a grey armless top. She had on only one-side slippers.
There was no mark of violence seen on the body, the police say.
The body has since been escorted to the Memorial Gardens Funeral Home awaiting identification and post-mortem examination.
Up to press time, the dead woman remained unidentified. (G8)