In recent times, as recent as three weeks ago, through its Facebook page, Wondamang Productions was contacted by two different individuals who expressed that they were having thoughts of suicide.
The individuals stated that after listening to music available via the company’s Sound Cloud page, they were somewhat redirected and, therefore, sought to commend and thank the label for making available good music which steers good people away from giving up.
Speaking later on the matter, music producer Simeon Browne said there is not much that can be disclosed about the identity or particulars of the individuals and their issues, but both were male and reside locally.
He further alluded that while it felt honourable to know that the music produced by Wondamang Productions was making such a breakthrough socially, he was concerned about the current state of the minds of especially the youths who, it seems, are most vulnerable.
In a Facebook post, the label wrote: “While it is good to know that music of some of our artistes have aided in the foiling of two suicide attempts in recent times, it is alarming that suicide continues to thrive especially in the minds of many who perceive that there is nothing else left for them to do when faced with turmoil and apparent defeat. We would like to encourage everyone reading this, fan or not, to continue to seek aid in coping with life’s challenges.
“Wondamang Productions remains dedicated in the fight against suicide. If you are going through tough times and need someone to talk to, please feel free to contact them. Someone is waiting on the other side to provide counselling and further guidance for you and your loved ones in the fight against suicide.”
Artistes such as rising star Lisa Punch and gospel superstar Kester Deane have been lobbying against suicide extensively through social media and outreach programmes. Countless personalities in the music as well as law enforcement fraternity have been active in the fight.
The two individuals communicated with Browne through his company’s Facebook page and were later redirected to a religious, certified counsellor of a local church.
If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, please call the Suicide Hotline numbers: (+592) 223-0001, 223-0009, 600-7896, 623-4444, or email: [email protected].