As promised, the Home Affairs Ministry along with the Public Works Ministry have begun washing the tarmacs and bus parks, patching of the roads, and painting clear demarcation lines in the Stabroek Market area.
This is expected to ease the congestion caused by vendors who hinder the flow of traffic.
On Sunday morning scores of workers were seen in the area carrying out the orders of the two Ministries. This was as a result of a walkabout by Minister Juan Edghill and Minister Robenson Benn as they identified areas that need to be rectified.
Workers patching the roads in the Stabroek area
Some of the issues that were raised included congestion, unclean roads and obstruction of traffic. It was then that both Ministers arrived at a consensus that the encumbering vendors would be relocated.
Last week, minibus drivers along with President of the Minibus Association Eon Andrews, vendors, and other stakeholders met with Minister Benn at the Saint Stanislaus College, Georgetown, to discuss issues of road safety and congestion at the Stabroek Market Square.
During that engagement, Minister Benn pointed out that the Ministry will be improving transportation and congestion issues at the Square. As COVID-19 cases continue to rise in Guyana, he added that tents will be placed at minibus parks to facilitate hand sanitising and the issuing of face masks.
It was also promised by the Minister that issues of disorder at the minibus parks and touting will be addressed.