World Environment Day 2023

In the year 1972, the United Nations General Assembly designated June 5 as World Environment Day (WED). World Environment Day is one of the biggest international days for the environment. This is a global celebration, and also adds important value to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as it marks our beginning. The Environmental Protection Agency was established on June 5, 1996, 27 years ago. We have been working tirelessly throughout those 27 years, actively engaging with local businesses and industries to promote environmentally sustainable practices to ensure the protection of you, the citizen, and the wider environment. The theme for WED 2023 is ‘Solutions to plastic Pollution’.
Celebrated by millions of people across the world, World Environment Day 2023 is a reminder that people’s actions on plastic pollution matter. The steps governments and businesses take to tackle plastic pollution would determine the consequence of this action. Under the campaign #BeatPlasticPollution, countries, environmentalists, and nature lovers worldwide continue to use this global platform to advocate for a greener and pollution-free environment.
Plastic pollution has emerged as a grave concern worldwide, adversely affecting ecosystems, wildlife, and human health. EPA, recognizing the significance of this issue, has been actively working towards implementing sustainable practices to mitigate plastic pollution throughout the country. One of the major steps taken is the establishment of our Litter Prevention Regulations, which are aimed at reducing the act of littering and the indiscriminate dumping of garbage. The EPA’s Litter Prevention Regulations give the authority to local organs, including the mayors and city/town councils and the Neighbourhood Democratic Councils, to enforce the provisions of the regulations, thereby fostering a stronger multi-sectorial approach to addressing the issue of plastic pollution.
For months, staff and management have been working tirelessly to plan and arrange activities most suitable for celebration of this year’s theme, with the main aim of increasing awareness and commemorate WED 2023. The Agency has systematized the following activities:
– “A Green Walk” – Sunday, June 04, 2023,
-Inter-Department Impromptu Speaking Competition – Friday, June 09, 2023
– “A Green Theatre” at the National Cultural Center – Thursday, June 15, 2023.
Educating and raising awareness about plastic pollution is the goal of each of these events. The Agency is reiterating the importance of safeguarding the environment for future generations to believe and aid in making our beautiful country Guyana a cleaner and healthier nation.
Together, we can make a difference and preserve the beauty of our planet for generations to come. Remember that the environment is everybody’s business, and in keeping with this year’s World Environment Day theme, be a part of the solution, not the pollution.

You can share your ideas and questions by sending letters to: “Our Earth, Our Environment”, C/O Communications Department, Environmental Protection Agency, Ganges Street, Sophia, GEORGETOWN, or email us at: [email protected]. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel.