In the last decade the talk about “food security” has intensified. Nothing wrong about that cause man gotta eat, don’t he?? That’s as primal as you can get…no food no life!! Some say that “in the beginning was the ‘word”, but as far as your Eyewitness is concerned, in the beginning had to be food!! But why food? Food, dear reader, is our “fuel” to give us energy, without which, we wouldn’t even be able to lift an eyebrow!! And in Guyana, as we well know, with the goings on eyebrows have to be lifted all the time!!
This long windup is to emphasize that projecting from our own lives, everything that moves – even internally – needs energy. And the more energy we got, the more we can do. So in the beginning we started taming animals like oxen and horses and used them to do work we didn’t have the energy to do on our lonesome. Hence the word, “horsepower” increasing “manpower”!! After thousands of years some wise guy thought about using the energy from wind and running water to turn wheels that ground our grains and such like. Then came the big breakthrough of the steam engine that burnt coal and turned water into steam which turned all those gears that moved whatever contraption we could think about!! Like ships and trains etc!!
Anyhow, two things happened. We started to burn other kinds of fossil fuels in addition to coal – like petroleum (of various grades) and natural gases to move the machinery now placed in “factories” to make all sorts of things to “improve our quality of life”. But in the last few decades we realized that all actions have reactions: burning all those fossil fuels produced and increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. And this led to global warming which now threatens our survival – even though we desperately want to catch up with the ‘developed countries” – which became so by burning fossil fuels. Vicious cycle, eh?
So what to do?? Well, to your Eyewitness, there’s only one solution – the developed countries that created the mess gotta start practicing a “small and less is beautiful” philosophy and quit burning all those fossil fuels. In the meantime those of us in our sh*thole countries can catch up with them by getting as much energy as we can from running water, wind and solar – but use fossil fuels to fill any gaps. This is especially true for our country that’s finally getting some benefit from the Atlantic that we’ve had to fight off for three centuries!!
And it’s beyond ridiculous for some to demand we leave our oil in the ground while we’re still in the relative stone age!! Stweeps!!
…and hope
In 2020, the US passed a “Global Fragility Act” – actually a “Global Failed-State Act” but it ain’t politically correct to say “failed state” no mo’!! That’s even worse that “sh*thole country”!! Anyway, the Act authorises them to “pre-emptively” get involved (NOT “intervene”!!) to fix things with locals. Now your Eyewitness knows he’s gonna raise a lotta eyebrows when he says he welcomed this move by the Yanks.
But he figures that since they’ll be getting involved OPENLY – before the local tyrants’ sh*t hits the fan – it’s not in their interest to allow matters to get outta hand!! However, since the passage of the Act, the Yanks have gotten quite coy about savin’ we natives from ourselves!! Just look at Haiti that imploded after their president was assassinated three years now. You’d have thought the Marines would ‘ve already landed!! But they’ve been turning cartwheels trying to get African and Caribbean forces to “bring peace”.
Is it that American voters won’t accept putting American lives on the line – or Colored lives don’t matter??!
…and hard ears
While there’s a lot of gnashing of teeth by the Opposition about the unemployment problem in “their” communities they’re guarding against PPP “slave catching”, why don’t they assist in cultivating the ancestral lands??