Would Broomes be reprimanded by the President?

Dear Editor,
While I dislike commenting on matters of a political nature, and more especially make pronunciation on matters that involve politicians in Guyana, I want to make an observation regarding the recent “spat” between Minister Broomes and the security guards at the New Thriving Restaurant/Massy Compound at Providence, East Bank Demerara.
The guards were arrested, detained and locked up for sixteen (16) hours. Upon reviewing the CCTV footage by competent personnel, I gather that the minister and her driver were the aggressors, and they both lied regarding exactly what had transpired.
I beg to ask: Would the minister’s driver be charged and his firearm licence revoked for his role? And would the minister, whose conduct leaves much to be desired, be reprimanded by the President?
I recall this very minister using the Parliament Building one time to “Boom out Jagdeo”.

J. Baptiste