Would it be wise to use the US$900M to construct Amaila Falls hydropower?

Dear Editor,
It was hard to miss from the bold headlines splashed across several newspapers on April 6, 2018, that our Government has, from all appearances, borrowed US$900 million from the Islamic Development Bank. This, as far as I can recollect, is the largest loan ever contracted by any Government in our country’s history. What’s even worst is that the Administration hadn’t any moral decency to inform the Guyanese people, who are responsible for repaying the borrowed sum with interest, that it was contracting such a large loan. It is the latest in the borrowing spree that the Government has been engaged in and one cannot help but wonder if we have now eclipsed our foreign debt ceiling. Even more obnoxious, for me, is the scant, almost absent, details provided in what the monies secured will be spent on. Wouldn’t it have been wise to use the sum borrowed to construct the Amaila Falls hydropower plant which, from its income, could have re-paid the loan? Nevertheless, every Guyanese man, woman and child has another burden to fetch on their already overburdened backs. Welcome to the ‘Good Life’!

Yours sincerely,
Patricia Persaud